For the first time in let’s say the past 5 months. I am giving myself a week off of both jobs. Taking the time to visit my girlfriends family in Virgina and doing my best to reduce my stress. Taking a train to a boat.. to another train.. and back. I hate driving “getting a lift because I don’t drive” and buses always give me motion sickness. Trains are great in that you can do pretty much anything on em without having to worry.

Brought my switch so I can continue to lab some mk 11 and try out a new game I bought called Astria Asending. Looks like a fun turn base game. Won’t be streaming for at least a week. Surprised I was first this year on mktv and brutality bowl.. however lost both matches but was still a learning curve and I plan to continue both events with polos also as I do.

All those communities are amazing and welcoming so I will continue to touch base on that. As soon as I can… But for now.. just hoping for the best.

By Alexander Gonzalez

I have been writing observations for the past 10 years. Having lived a life in which I interact with on a daily basis over 100 people. I have some stories to tell.

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