And just like that 2021 is done. Honestly it went fast and as I have said in the past, the older I get the faster it goes. December was a tricky month because towards the end of it everyone started to get sick. Half the staff at both of my jobs are out on sick leave. Some how I never got sick. A majority of my family is included in that also.

I guess that was how the year would end. Hopefully it will start better. So far I don’t think so but we will see. This will be a very physical year for me. I am going to return to the gym, use the weights I have a home and really focus on myself both mentally and physically. Try to figure myself out and sort out what the hell I am doing.. probably write more on here also. Least.. I hope..

By Alexander Gonzalez

I have been writing observations for the past 10 years. Having lived a life in which I interact with on a daily basis over 100 people. I have some stories to tell.

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