Big day today! To my surprise we will be welcoming another member to my family. A small black cat “unknown name yet” and oddly enough this time it was my decision that had this happen. The cat is a little under a year old but will be well taken care of. One of my coworkers will be bringing her to the house and later on in the day today.

i have actually lost track of how many pets I have had in my life. When I met my wife she was introduced to me with her dog “Dowa” whom honestly was one of the best dogs I have ever had in my life. She lived almost 15 years I believe it was and it broke our hearts to see her go. About 5 years after we started living with each other I had a dream about a gray cat that I told a customer about whom happened to be wanting to find a new home for a lovely cat gray cat “kit kat aka Mandy”. Another 7 or 6 later we got pez from someone my wife met.

Having pets has always been one of the more fun things to do and I’m hoping with how my daughter loves cats she will be most excited to see this new one today. We will see how it pans out

By Alexander Gonzalez

I have been writing observations for the past 10 years. Having lived a life in which I interact with on a daily basis over 100 people. I have some stories to tell.

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