So no cat after all..yet.. in the future I’m sure we will add another cat to my life but as life often does the plan fell thru. Least I got a good story to tell so far. Anyway new month, new week,new year and here we go. Interestingly enough my brother will visit this week as he currently is staying in DC for work for the next six months. I’m looking forward to that and my youngest nephews 18th birthday.

its hard to believe it’s been 18 years but here we are. Her oldest is 21 and somehow that happened way faster than I ever thought it would. To think I’m almost 42 is just mind bending but again here we are. Somehow I still feel 12 only my metabolism finally caught up with me and I don’t care much for style as I once did. Yesterday I was thinking about how after all these years how many things have stayed the same about myself.

We all have battles both internal and external. How many times have I gone to sleep mad or upset? How many happy and full of hope for tomorrow? How many good meals have I cooked? Dishes done? Bathrooms cleaned? How much of this stuff is actually important in the grand scheme of my life? I guess I won’t have those answers till I’m gone and if it ended tomorrow I can still without question say it was amazing and I loved every second of it…even the bad stuff.

By Alexander Gonzalez

I have been writing observations for the past 10 years. Having lived a life in which I interact with on a daily basis over 100 people. I have some stories to tell.

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