On the topic of people I can say without any question most people are boring. They want three things a major of the time and really that’s what motivates the 24 hour cycle that is a day. They want to eat, be home, and sleep with someone. On average I would say most people who wake up go to work just wanna be home. The young are normally hungry if not horny 80% of the time. Just looking at what people do you can notice the patterns. Someone’s in a rush to get to work…why? So they can do the work and get …home.

I always found comfort in living in the moment. Trying to assess everything around me. It’s also why I enjoy traveling when I can. I spent a good part of my younger years playing video games for that very reason. It was an escape and really kinda funny considering I was in Brooklyn and could have spent the day standing on the corner watching people and probably would have gotten the same experience. When people are forced to push themselves by work or lack of love it becomes a focus. It’s boring and dull because routine but it’s also safe and comfortable.

I can’t say the number of times I went to a dance club and just watched people. This one chasing that one or someone drinking just to forget about the fact they can’t pay the rent on time. Cheating in relationships became a thrill because it was something that people did just to feel something different. It was the power of the unknown and really at the time it made no sense to me. Chasing the drama for the sake of wanting to feel alive.

personally I never cheated on anyone but I understand the reasons why. I personally get that thrill from exploring and being places I never have been. Being a new father allows me to explore ideas I never thought I would think about again. To watch a life grow with everything new is exciting and I get it. Yet for myself I find now so many things I already have the answers too or don’t care enough to put in the effort to learn.

By Alexander Gonzalez

I have been writing observations for the past 10 years. Having lived a life in which I interact with on a daily basis over 100 people. I have some stories to tell.

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