I don’t talk about politics much because in truth I’m not sure how anything works let alone a system meant to guide us to do better. Government is a tricky thing because in some ways it’s seen as a thing meant to protect the dreams, ideas, and in some ways enforce the best knowledgeable professionals of our people to use that information for progression. Now I say people very lose because in this world we have many different ideas on government.

I’m gonna focus on the question that I deal with here in America and that is what is an American? What is the government for? At first glance you could answer it two ways. The way it started with an idea of freedom to escape bad ideas or a person born to land and dirt in which case none of us are Americans because no one is really from here but the natives whom we killed many many years ago. So to answer the question it should be asked right. What is CURRENTLY (meaning the last 200 years) an American? Now that’s a very different question.

Land and resources is what creates the purpose of power. Those whom control the land and it’s resources hold the power of life and comfort. How much we eat, what we can and can’t talk about, how comfortable we are in all factors that become the underline questions on freedom and what an American is and isn’t. I myself am a second generation Born from Brooklyn, New York. My parents both born also in Brooklyn, New York hence second generation. My daughter will be third generation Born in New York however not Brooklyn. Does it really mean anything that the soil below my feet, my parents, and my daughter all from New York? All in the United states for that matter?

Im the grand scheme of what life is probably no. No matter how it started life was always going to be a series of eat,sleep,learn, repeat. However the change comes from the comfort which brings me back to government again. Government is meant to maintain that comfort. The system works like this!

We have written rules we all are responsible for holding to be truths. Things we are taught to agree on. You will live on the land and you will work for the dollar. The dollars will buy you what you need and that will be taxed to go to resources and program to help us develop as a person and country. Pretty black and white if we leave it at that but we can’t because again we need to address what those resources and programs are. In the united states we know a majority of our taxes goes to our protection. Military funding to keep everything protected and enforce the laws we have built to believe that work for our people. The second thing would be our infrastructure.

Infrastructure is another way of saying a huge layered problem.Cause now your talking comfort in life style, fair trading policies, logistics, Education and communication with outside resources. Very layered and all of it can be debated on many levels for the best course in planned activities. So will dismiss the human nature factor of wanting the bigger better thing and say government should only apply to protecting freedom. In which case if I’m smarter faster and better in every way then the person next to me I shouldn’t be responsible for anything else. In short no one is responsible for you but you and you will be allowed to deal with the price of whatever I feel like the price of something should be.

Best example I design a the needle that allows doctors to take blood. I don’t make it I just design it. I go to my friend John and show him the design. He comes up with the resources to build that design. Tells me it will cost a figure to build it. I get paid for the design. John gets paid for the gathering of resources. Now we go to someone else to use those resources in the design. we build the product and we have someone else “Again” Sell the product for the price of everything done. That’s the simple way of putting together any business. Government in question is meant to make sure the people are protected from that product depending on the issues that come up with it.

Meaning if someone steals my product than no one makes any money other than the thief. If I sell to much of the product demand becomes a problem and it’s the government responsibility to protect my business an ensure everyone gets paid still. So government steps in and polices the people’s behavior to keep everything fair and in balance. Now of course this branches out which creates more problems. we start small.. Business..town..regional..state. again very layered. Lots more discussion on issues that only matter on each layer.

SO GOING BACK TO THE BEGIN WE STILL DON’T HAVE AN ANSWER!!WHAT IS GOVERNMENT FOR? As I have already made the point of explaining how layered everything is anyone can see that it’s all up for debate on how so many factors can be approached which really is the issue. Approaching a problem so complex becomes a matter of opinion in the end which is why so many people are so divided by the problem. In today’s world (meaning 2024) we are surrounded by data and information on what’s going on around us. Hell this web site is a perfect example of OBSERVATION thru experience and what I have seen. By you reading it.. I inform what I can and use that as lets call it policy for what you understand.

Problem is anyone can do this and sources are become so scattered that I could say Aliens showed up to my home last night and no one could question it but ME. So that information gets spread and it leads to people saying stuff that isn’t truth.

I DON’T KNOW HOW TO Solve that problem.. because … that’s just how it is!

By Alexander Gonzalez

I have been writing observations for the past 10 years. Having lived a life in which I interact with on a daily basis over 100 people. I have some stories to tell.

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