I have to believe experience and past behavior in my life is how people judge me. If I had ever stolen, been violent or negative to anyone in the past I would hope those parts of my character mean just as much as the kind stuff I do. I don’t give second chances often with people and how I interact with them. I have had very good people come into my life and screw me over or disrespect me once and I never spoke to them again. This has happened many times in my life mostly cause I moved shortly after said falling out.

Do I have any regrets? No…when I really think about how great things are now I know the path was what it had to be to get here. All the good times I had with those people I still think fondly of because for that living moment it was amazing. What it became with time is what it became overall and some people can’t face that fact. I’m also very good at just moving forward with my life. Learning lessons from the observation. Taking what I enjoyed and leaning more into that.

In a world with Billions of people I’m sure that if someone wants to turn the corner and move on I let em. Why waste what time you have here and deal with drama? I never understood it and I never lied to anyone who I didn’t already know was lying to me on some level.I have had some bad relationships in my past and moved on with a clear head because I always knew it was more important to go some place than to think about the place I was. It always got better and I can say my life is better because of it. That this is the happiest I have ever been and I wouldn’t change anything to be who I am.

Judgement should never come from the voices of others but from the actions of those involved. If I was to say don’t take experience as a measurement of what a person is capable of I think that would be wrong also. People prove who they are not from what they say but from what they do and I think that’s a huge change in current culture.

For years I told people I do drugs, I eat babies, and I know everything. None of the above is true but what is truth if not my actions and “Some” of my words. Just because I say it doesn’t make it true. Truth is what we leave behind. Truth is left from actions and I think it’s lost in culture.

I think about religion and politics and what actually matters. A gay president wouldn’t matter to me as much as a women president as long as the president does what the president is supposed to do and that is good by all not only a few. A police officer can only protect by action of doing so. Same as a criminal can only be one by doing a crime. A person can say a million times in a life I eat babies…yet…have the most amazing daughter and women by his side. Words aren’t important without action and we really need to get back to that.

By Alexander Gonzalez

I have been writing observations for the past 10 years. Having lived a life in which I interact with on a daily basis over 100 people. I have some stories to tell.

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