Sometimes my brain just doesn’t turn off. Look at the clock and it’s not even 4 a.m yet but here I am wide awake. Maybe it’s the result of 11 years of nocturnal living or maybe something before all that “I’m not sure” but it happens often.

I wonder about the future. I think about the past. I think over dreams I have had about people I don’t know anymore or sometimes haven’t even met yet. I doom scroll thru X and Facebook. My brain thinks over many things that have been done and things that need to be done.I wonder about Family and friends. Brain just won’t turn off.

A long time ago I would wake up and sit at my computer and make music when stuff like this happened. Sometimes I would catch up on reading or play a video game. These days I just lay in bed and think over this and that. Recently I started the new Doom+Doom 2 which has the remix soundtrack on it. It’s pretty great! I have thought about jumping back into wow again and been chipping away at Diablo 4. Also started to re read the vampire Lestat again…might go thru that series again.

My boss also has me re reading the Bible again which is kinda funny. Lessons on life from a book written by a possible creator of it all kinda just makes me think about many things. I have never questioned my faith but I have often felt the need to dread death or more so a painful one. Having too much to do will make a person question the amount of time needed to get any of it done. Dread is always on the background.

Hope is also but I find at this time many things could change for the better or worse. However I’ve come to the conclusion that really is any moment of the day. I suppose we will see what happens.

By Alexander Gonzalez

I have been writing observations for the past 10 years. Having lived a life in which I interact with on a daily basis over 100 people. I have some stories to tell.

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