What an interesting time to be alive. Everything is changing and being questioned for better or worse? Are we going to have a civil war? If you read the papers or watch the News on television the thought would lean more towards a likelihood of yes. The price of just living has become insane to fathom.

Let’s take all the outside sources out and just look at just what’s in front of me.

rent prices > up, food prices> up, price of health both mental and physical > up. Income > same

The quality of things also down by a lot. People eating food that isn’t actually made up of stuff anyone should be eating! We are all working for a dream that seems to just continue to be that…a dream. Yet I’m personally finding my state of mine to be the most positive of most because maybe I’m insane or maybe I do believe things will get better. In the 41 years I have been alive I have witnessed true terrorism on the state I live in. I have witnessed the rise and fall of dreams and yet people question how we got here.

i think the biggest lie I have seen above everything is how we live in a contradiction. Claiming we have space for all the people living here yet we still build houses everywhere and every day. We still produce food that no one eats and we all still have flat screen televisions to watch in high definition everything we fear. My ability to keep all of this out of my home and away from the people I love while it is getting more difficult, it also doesn’t mean I should just stop. I need to believe we are going in the direction for another hard lesson. Yet hopefully it will be just that.. a lesson we learn from and move on with.

As people I understand the basics of what everyone wants. Food, some space and to watch something naked. The American dream defined by not the American but the dreamers as it always has been. So long as I can continue to see the rise and fall of our economics and moral stances I have to believe that we will progress both good and bad.

One of the coolest comics I have ever read was the watchmen and it made the point. Something dramatic needs to happen for the hard lessons to be understood. You wanna wake people up with a bang not a soft sound and I believe that it is coming soon.

By Alexander Gonzalez

I have been writing observations for the past 10 years. Having lived a life in which I interact with on a daily basis over 100 people. I have some stories to tell.

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